Actor Aditi Rao Hydari has been sharing her several looks from the Cannes Film Festival 2024 on her Instagram. She has been impressing everyone with her gorgeous look at Cannes despite being basic and simple. Surprisingly so, Aditi was playing safe with her fashion this time. However, among many, the one outfit that grabbed our attention was this white pantsuit from the collections of Alberta Ferretti.
The Heeramandi actor wore an elegant pantsuit whose cost will sponsor you a lavish International trip for sure. Before we speak about the price of the pantsuit, Aditi Rao Hydari opted for minimal makeup along with her hair let down. She rounded her look with pink lip colour and white pearl earrings and Aditi exudes elegance and how!
Talking about the price tag, we went through the official website of Alberta Ferretti. Hydari picked a single-breasted jacket in cotton and linen canvas with a delicate see-through effect. The cost of the jacket is $1,670 which is Rs 1,39,531 in Indian currency.
Aditi’s trousers are in cotton and linen canvas that gives a very sophisticated power suit. The price of the pants comes to $835 which is Rs 69,765.50 in Indian currency. The total of the pantsuit will cost you Rs 2,09,296. Well, are you game to buy this beautiful pantsuit?
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